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Urban Forest Planning

The Halifax Regional Municipality is reviewing and updating its Urban Forest Management Plan (formerly the Urban Forest Master Plan). This review will evaluate the awareness, understanding and satisfaction with the municipality’s Urban Forest Management Plan (UFMP) and creates an opportunity for residents to provide their feedback on the UFMP through public engagement.

Since the approval of the original UFMP, there have been significant changes to the municipality’s planning standards and strategic priorities, including the adoption of the Regional Plan and the climate action plan HalifACT, that necessitate an updated UFMP to better align with the needs of our growing region.

Managing our urban forest ensures our region continues to receive the benefits trees offer and helps the municipality further its climate action. Since 2012, the municipality has advanced these efforts by implementing a cyclical pruning program, a tree planting program and solidifying the role of trees through the Municipal Design Guidelines.

Complete the survey here.